A tummy bulge

bulge fix


We all hate that ugly tummy bulge, when we wear our favorite dress, even worse is the tummy spill in our fabulous pair of jeans.

There are a few things that cause our tummy to look bloated, some are swallowing air,constipation is another cause, heartburn, lactose tolerance,rushing food, infection in small bowel,some foods, overeating, alcohol and of cause weight gain.

Some of the foods that cause tummy bloating are?

Beans, soy beans and peas, artificial sweeteners,dairy products, carbonated foods, alcohol , starchy foods also contribute to being bloated, foods that are high in sodium that is salty foods.

How do you reduce bloating ?

Eat in smaller rations

Eat less fatty foods

Avoid chewing gums

Sucking straws

Carbonated drinks

A little exercise will go a long way.

Please note that persistent bloating or distention may also signal potentially serious conditions, such as enlargement of one of the abdominal organs or a malignancy.


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