Ideas for your long hair

We all love long hair,love to have it, love to buy it, dream of growing it, and so so we get long weaves ,long, long braids several hair treatment sessions all of it. And when most of us actually get the long hair we have been dreaming about since were little girls we are clueless as to how to manage it or style it.

Tip one, do not wash the hair too often it’s good to have a clean weave or hair but constantly washing it will cause it to dry out and most often break. Wash Every other week for your natural hair or permed hair, wash your weaves after every use, wash your braids too every 3 weeks depending on how long you leave it on, and if you are on dreads try to wash it every other week as well.

Moisturize your hair, not fried chicken style, but deep moisturizing with little oil, for extensions use hair serums once in a while.

Massage your scalp when moisturizing, and washing.

To style wear your hair down once in a while,

Try a ponytail on other days

French braid is also an awesome way to braid your hair

Ever heard of Khaleesi braids, give that a try they are beautiful and easy to make.

Khaleesi, Queen braid

Khaleesi, Queen braid

The Khaleesi Warrior braid

The Khaleesi Warrior braid

Khaleesi, goddess braid

Khaleesi, Goddess braid

Having your hair up in a bun is also very nice do

Once in a while you could but in a little colour just to make it different

Wrap your hair before going to bed, to protect it from breaking.

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